1. Boot into CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1804.iso.
  2. Open a terminal and sudo -s.
  3. Scan for LVM volumes: vgscan
  4. Change into the appropriate volume group (centos in my case): vgchange -ay centos
  5. Scan for the logical volumes in that group: lvscan
  6. Create a mount point for the root FS: mkdir /mnt/root
  7. Mount the logical volume corresponding to the root FS: mount /dev/centos/root /mnt/root
  8. Dump to remote host: xfsdump -J - /mnt/root | ssh <host> 'cat >/data/rootfs.dump'
  9. Unmount the root FS: umount /mnt/root
  10. Recreate the root FS: mkfs.xfs -f -n ftype=1 /dev/centos/root
  11. Mount the recreated root FS: mount /dev/centos/root /mnt/root
  12. Restore from remote host: ssh <host> 'cat /data/rootfs.dump' | xfsrestore -J - /mnt/root
  13. Reboot. Everything should be as it was before, except xfs_info / should now show ftype=1.
文档更新时间: 2023-01-04 10:28   作者:张尚